Monday, August 2, 2010

Moyes v. Wild 2010

Who wouldn't want to spend four days in the wilderness with these guys?!

Last year Paul and Dustin embarked on the inaugural Moyes v. Wild adventure to the Wenaha River in Northeastern Oregon. They spent three thrilling days gathering wood to keep warm and dry in the constant rain and topped the excitement off with an early trip to Walla Walla to watch the worst movie ever. After hearing our greatly exaggerated lies about MVW 2009, Gary decided to come along for MVW 2010. Here are the results:

We chose Dutch Flat Lake as our destination.

Paul's wildly successful figure four deadfall trap.

We made a raft to take us to the island in the middle of the lake.

Then we made the raft a pyre and let it float out into the lake. The other people there surely knew we were not to be trifled with.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moyes vs. Wild - The Aftermath

Since I've very limited on time, I will begin to post pictures and then try to comment on them later. Short story - much fun, near death (flooding river), lots of bugs, no game.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Moyes vs. Not So Wild

We are only 9 days away, any takers for Moyes vs. Not So Wild? You may have noticed the name change. Let's face, we are no longer grizzled men as the result of years of emanuel labor. We are softies. Moyes vs. Wild is essentially a backpacking trip into the Wenaha River for a few days of fishing and camping. If it so happens we can snare some woodland fare, so be it, we will eat them, but for the most part its just an easy backpacking trip.

We will be packing in all the necessary food stuffs to survive the three days, so know one will have to eat their own feces (that was my poop reference for the month mom). If anyone wants to go but feels like they lack the necessary equipment, let me know, I have tons of gear.

Actually, I feel the new name for the adventure should be called Lost Boys from here on out. Hobo Stew anyone!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Music stimulates the Brain

Dustin, Didn't you used to play your electric Guitar to your girls at night? Anyway I saw this and it reminded me of you.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Date is Set for Moyes v. Wild I

All those with working knees mark your calendars for June 12-14. On that weekend the Moyes men, and the junior Moyes men (Steve, Rob, Ryan) will venture into the Eagle Cap Wildnerness in Northeast Oregon to prove our mettle!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Moyes vs. Wild - Sleeping Arrangements

I agree with Dustin, I think I will bring my backpacking tent, but first option of shelter is to make your own. I think I will bring my sleeping bag and pad though because its all fun and games until you don't get any sleep for a night or two.

As for woodland fare, YouTube has some good videos on setting snares. I've created and set snares, but I honestly don't remember if we caught anything or not. My main worry is that I don't really know how to skin any creature that may be dumb enough to get snared by me.

By the way, I call no cannibalism...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Moyes vs. Wild - rules

Talking with Gary last night, I think we need to laydown a few ground rules. I just don't know what they are.

One rule I think should be put into place is all fire needs to be made with either:
a.) One of the many friction methods
b.) Pop can and sun
c.) Ice

Here are some other items up for discussion:
To tent or not to tent?
Eating of raw fish?
Snaring of woodland game?

On a side note, Gary doesn't think its possible to snare woodland game. I am taking that as a personal challenge. I don't know if its possible or not, but I think it is.
