Friday, May 30, 2008

More Quotes From The Bus

I haven't ridden the bus much lately and not at all late at night when the real crazies come out. Last night I had the pleasure of a late night bus ride and heard these two gems:

Woman to Man with Skateboard: "How fast can you go on that thing?"

Man: "The fastest I have gone is 50 MPH."

Woman: "Yeah, I have gone about 50 MPH, too."

Man: "I have heard about people going 75 MPH, but you definitely don't want to go faster than that."

Man: [Describing a "12 Step Program" designed to help people get jobs and take control of their lives] "It is great, they say after the program you get a career-type job and are set for life."

Same Woman as the skateboarding conversation above: "That sounds great. What kind of requirements do they have to get into the program?"

Man: "I don't think they have any requirements, you just go. I guess it helps if you don't have a criminal record."

Woman: "Crap!!! [Or a similar phrase.]"

1 comment:

Castiel Moyes said...

I want to come ride the bus with you one of these nights so we can laugh together. These seriously crack me up!