Monday, February 25, 2008

Moyes Luck

I now officially have a car more cursed than any of dad's car, or at least I think. My truck was dented, once again, today for the 5th time in about six months. It all started a couple of months ago when some wonderful church member side swiped it in the church parking lot, and conviently forgot to tell me (still bitter about that one if you can't tell). So that was the end of the right rear door. Then about 2 weeks later I was driving down the freeway when the car next to me decides he wants in my lane, but couldn't wait for me to get out of it. So that dented the left side front and rear door and the bed.

I went about 5 months before a nice lady in the neighborhood backed into the right rear corner of the truck and made the short bed or really short oblong bed. Then last week when I went home to help dad shovel snow and snowmobling our area was hit with a hail storm that brought down hail a little smaller than golf balls. It completely destroyed both cars, especially the Audi, but the truck's roof, hood, and both front fenders have dents all over them.

Then, just in time to start a wonderful Monday morning, as I was going to work today and big piece of steel fell off the back of a truck and smacked the left side of the bed leaving me another mark of bad luck.

Top that dad...

1 comment:

Dustin said...

Holy cow. Did the steel fall from a nearby truck and directly into the bed?