All those with working knees mark your calendars for June 12-14. On that weekend the Moyes men, and the junior Moyes men (Steve, Rob, Ryan) will venture into the Eagle Cap Wildnerness in Northeast Oregon to prove our mettle!!!
FYI those with non-working knees are invited as well, just there will be some backpacking involved. In late discussions last night however, it was determined that there may not be a whole lot backpacking involved due to time contraints. We want to have enough time to capture woodland fare, make shelter, and fashion loin cloths from pine cones.
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FYI those with non-working knees are invited as well, just there will be some backpacking involved. In late discussions last night however, it was determined that there may not be a whole lot backpacking involved due to time contraints. We want to have enough time to capture woodland fare, make shelter, and fashion loin cloths from pine cones.
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