Thursday, March 5, 2009

Moyes vs. Wild Update

So I guess you've heard our plan to raise money for Frank's surgery is going great... 2 points if you can name the movie.

So I think we've decided that Moyes vs. Wild will take place in the Eagle Cap Wilderness outside of LaGrande, OR. Its got all the elements needed for a true survivalist, its almost equal distance between Portland and Idaho, it has fish in the streams, wood to be burned and bear poo for nut gathering.

We're plannning Moyes vs. Wild in two stages, opposite of what the original plan is. Realizing that there men among us with bad knees (Gary and Dad) and weak constitution (Ryan), we will have the hardcore survival outing/backpacking first, and use the opportunity to scout an area for Moyes vs. Wild II where we can drive to camp spot and have some comforts if needed.

We've started a gear list here for those of you who are interested in the first go around. I have much gear if anyone needs to borrow anything, let me know.

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